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The process/FAQ

1. When to start taking lessons?

  • it's never too early to start! You don't want to save learning to dance to the last month with all other last minute wedding fixes

  • even if shows like "Dancing with the Stars" make dancing look easy and glamorous, dancing does take some getting used to and to get automatic in your body, so please allow yourselves plenty of time

  • the sooner you start, the more second nature dancing will become and the more natural you will look on your wedding day and the less nervous you will be

  • if you know you want something more complicated it's not uncommon to start preparing as early as a year in advance

  • contact us to discuss when it would be a good time for you to start

  • having said all that, if you did save learning to dance to the last minute you can still learn some basics and/or brush up on old skills


2. Music choice/ music editing and style of dance

  • we will help you to choose a song if you do not already have one

  • you can choose one song or a mix of two (or more) different styles

  • if the song needs editing we can help you with this also

  • there are no rules to what kind of song you choose

  • song can be a happy memory for you two

  • style of dance will be determined by the choice of music or vice versa


3. Private dance lessons

  • 55 min.

  • lessons will be held in a studio (different rate apply for in-home and Zoom lessons, please ask and schedule with your teacher)

  • 24 hour cancellation policy for re-scheduling

  • typical lesson is held in a big shared ballroom with shared music. For a private room additional charge is added. Discuss with us

  • you can record, for your own private use, at the end of lessons to remember steps and being able to practice better at home


4. What to wear?

  • wear normal comfortable clothes for your lessons

  • closer to the wedding I recommend to use shoes similar to or actual shoes to what you'll be wearing for your dance on your wedding day to become as comfortable as possible dancing

  • same goes for clothes, especially the dress. We recommend practicing at times in a dress with similar cut as your wedding dress


5. The Choreography

  • we will choreograph your dance according to your vision, what the music will allow, time and number of lessons

  • we strive to make you look rehearsed, yet look as natural as possible

  • the choreography can be anything from a few simple dance steps made to look very elegant, to a full out show piece

  • we will teach you the fundamentals of Lead/follow


6. Practice

  • please note that any dancing will require some time to practice on your own time

  • we will guide you how to best practice your steps

7.​ Dancing after your wedding

  • why stop now when you just got started :)

  • read more here


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