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Now What?

Your wedding is over, your Wedding Dance is now a beautiful memory of something you achieved together by teamwork. Now What?


You have now graduated from "Wedding Couple" to "Dance Couple". We would say, "Keep dancing"!


Hopefully you got the taste of all the benefits of having dance in your lives, while preparing for your wedding dance. Keep growing your relationship through dance all while you two are spending quality time together, laughing and creating memories.


The Grass is greener where you water it"

The Sky's the Limit

You are no longer under a deadline for your wedding and have the rest of your lives together to learn different dance styles. You can continue dancing as a hobby together and for social dancing, you can take it to the next level by doing performances at the studio or even start competing in dance.

We are looking forward to tell you more and discuss your options.

The beauty of dance is there are no limits! The sky's the limit!

The Benefits of dancing

  • share a hobby with your spouse/partner

  • quality time

  • learn together

  • create memories

  • laugh together

  • stress reliever!

  • make dancing together part of your everyday life and do the salsa in the kitchen while preparing some salsa ;)

  • step patterns, rhythm, coordination

  • increase your stamina

  • teamwork, compromise, leading and following, trusting each other, supporting each other

  • and so much more!

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